A Posture of Waiting

Last week I heard from my literary agent.

He said, “I’ve got a possible interested publisher for your book. I’ll get back to you.”

And now the weight of waiting.

 And that’s Advent, isn’t it?

Our hearts all tangled up in longing for the fulfillment of something incredible.

So as I wait, I ask myself and God,

What should be my posture of waiting?

I have a friend waiting on news of a possible, life-changing job.

How should he wait?

And another friend waiting for the medicine to do its work.

How should she wait?

Henri Nouwen touched on this topic,

“If we wait in the conviction that a seed has already been planted and that something has already begun,

it changes the way we wait.

Active waiting implies being fully present to the moment.”

 What does “active waiting” look like for you?

Mine looks like a rocking motion. Literally.

I rock and nurse a baby several times a day.

It’s how I’m waiting these days. While I rock, I pray.

For my longings and for others’ to be fulfilled.

Waiting can look like worship. I’m sure of it.

What’s your posture of waiting this Advent?